
Abbott has announced his first Federal Government Ministry


Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott has announced his first Federal Government Ministry. Mr Abbott said the incoming Coalition Government will restore strong , stable and accountable government to build a more prosperous Australia. Mr Abbott said this afternoon that Mr Scott Morrison MP would be Minister for Immigration and Border [...]

Important clarification of SkillSelect invitation point scores


The MIA has raised Members’ concerns about points discrepancies between the SkillSelect invitation score and the point test assessed score upon application by a client.  Following the MIA’s representations, the Department, after extensive consultation with its policy area, has issued its official position: A criterion for the grant of a [...]

Warning: Mistakes in DIAC’s Visa Pricing Table


There appear to several mistakes in the Visa Pricing Table on DIAC's website. For example, for Subclass 143 (Contributory Parent) the base visa application charge and second VAC have not been updated. There may be other errors. The MIA has contacted DIAC about this Koupit Priligy , but until a [...]



World Class Education PISA (OECD Programme for International Student Assessment) assesses the scientific literacy, mathematical literacy and reading literacy skills of 15-year-olds. In 2012, the main focus of the testing was on scientific literacy, with almost 400 000 students being tested worldwide. In Australia, more than 14 000 students were tested in all [...]

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