When it comes to the Resident Return Visa, or full name: Class BB, Five Year Resident Return (Subclass 155) visa, there is always quite a bit of confusion…
In fact even the name itself is confusing, is this visa for 5 years? I thought it could be for 1 year as well? Does that mean my permanent residency expires with it too?
All valid questions – which I will clear up in this article.
How ‘Permanent’ Is Permanent Residency?
When your initial visa is granted (subclass 189, 190 and other permanent visas), you are given permanent residency from the day stated on your visa grant letter.
You are also given something called a ‘travel authority’ which is usually valid for 5 years – this is also stated on your visa grant letter.
It’s important to know the difference between these two.
Basically if you enter Australia while your ‘travel authority’ is valid, you will have arrived in Australia as a permanent resident….
That means you can live in Australia permanently (they did after all call it a ‘permanent’ visa) from that point on.
If you decide to never leave Australia again, you would be allowed to live there forever without having to renew anything.
In short:
- Visa granted
- Arrive in Australia within travel authority period (most visas would also ask you to make 1 entry before a certain date)
- Arrive as permanent resident
- Can live in Australia permanently without renewing anything
If That’s The Case, Why Do I Need A Resident Return Visa?
Although having your permanent residency (PR) allows you to remain in Australia indefinitely, anytime you want to leave Australia and return as a permanent resident, then you need to have your travel authority intact.
For most permanent residencies, your initial travel authority is valid for 5 years.
Once that runs out, you’ll need to apply for a resident return visa (RRV) to renew your travel authority.
In short:
- Living in Australia – no renewal needed
- Want to leave Australia (or remain outside Australia) and return as a PR – valid travel authority required or valid RRV
How Long Is An RRV Valid For?
The title of the visa type can be a bit confusing – you’ll notice it is labelled ‘five year’ resident return, however that’s not always the case.

An RRV can be granted based on 2 criteria and depending on which you fulfil will determine how long your RRV is valid for:
- If you’ve lived in Australia for any 2 years in the last 5 years – this would get you a Subclass 155 RRV with a 5 year travel authority. This means you can fly in and out of Australia as a PR for the next 5 years.
- If you’ve lived in Australia for less than 2 out of the last 5 years – if you can prove your ties to Australia (we’ll cover that later), you may be granted a Subclass 155 RRV with a 1 year travel authority.
There is this misconception online and through people I meet that if you don’t stay in Australia for 2 years out of 5 your RRV won’t be granted – this just isn’t true.
As long as you maintain good ties with Australia, you always have the chance of getting the 1 year renewal.
What Are Considered Substantial Ties To Australia?
Each person’s ties to Australia vary depending on their personal situation, how long they spent in the country, how many relatives they have there and more…
As a migration agency, we try to build out 4 main ties:
- Cultural Ties – can include being involved in the arts, having a book published in Australia etc.
- Employment Ties – having been employed there, or have a job offer from an Australian company
- Personal Ties – all other ties, includes having relatives, property, Australian citizen children or friends etc.
- Business Ties – having a business in Australia
Each individual is unique – most people will have 1 or 2 of the ties mentioned above and we build their case around those ties.
We show that you consider Australia your home.
We also have to explain your absence from Australia (if any), for example if you left Australia 5 years ago because you had to take care of a sick relative, then this is also built into the application.
How Long Does It Take To Get An RRV?
They break down the timelines on the Department of Home Affairs website, but in general we’ve seen:
- If you fulfil the 2 out of 5 year stay – you can get your visa granted within 1 day of submitting
- If you are using substantial ties – it takes around 2-3 months, although if the case is complicated or lacks supporting documents, they can take longer to make a decision
Once your RRV is granted, you’ll either have a new 5 year travel authority, or 1 year travel authority.
You can now freely return to Australia as a permanent resident!
Case Study – 17 Years Absent RRV Success Story
A client and her spouse engaged us to apply for an RRV almost 18 years after they left Australia!

They had studied in Australia before they continued on by working and then ultimately getting their PR while they were onshore.
After 2 years of work they had to return to their home country for family reasons – after which they only returned to Australia for short holidays over the next 17 years…
We built a strong case for them, including:
- Why they left
- Their substantial ties to Australia (work, family, studies etc.)
- Prove that they are eager to return if they get their RRV granted
- All supporting documents that we thought would strongly back their case
It took a while to prepare and compile, but after submitting to the Department of Home Affairs, we got a response in less than 4 months with a approved visa grant – for a RRV with a 1 year travel authority!
A personal record for us, but it goes to show that it is definitely possible if you prepare and structure your case correctly.
If you are looking at getting an RRV for you or your family and need professional help, please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Do I Qualify To Migrate To Australia?
My RRV visa is already rejected,, I have to apply again.. please guide me
Please get in contact with us via the contact page and we’ll see if we can help
How long before expiry can I apply for the 1 year RRV?
You can apply for an RRV anytime you want.
If my one year RRV expires in Dec 2020, when can I apply for another RRV. Can I apply now, or do I wait until after December
You can apply anytime you want. We usually recommend applying before. If your case seems like a weak one please reach out to us on our contact page for a consultation.
My RRV visa expires on December 2020 and currently I am offshore. If I apply now and lets say i got rejected, can I still enter Australia using my old non expired visa and re-apply onshore?
No you can’t, you have to have a valid travel authority to enter Australia so you would have to make sure your RRV is approved. If you’d like us to look into it, please reach out to us here: https://australmigrate.com/contact-us/
Once RRV subclass 155 is approved, do we need to arrive in Australia within a certain time frame? My mum is in the queue for an operation overseas and unsure when she can come.
Yes, within the duration given on the visa grant. It’ll either be 1 year or 5 years. If she can’t make it within that period you’ll have to apply for another 155 before the current one expires.
Am US citizen and permanent resident of Australia. Been living in Australia 19 years. Flew to check on my 84 yrs old mother on Guam. Intended to return to Australia in 3 mths. Covid pandemic caused NO flights to Australia. Flights have now resumed. But my permanent resident stamp in my passport has expired! Can I still fly back to Australia and fix my visa after I arrive? Or must I go online and renew it? Talked to another returning aussie with same problem. They flew into sydney anyway and were allowed to enter. Then fixed their permanent resident visa. Been stranded on Guam since March 3!
My 1yr RRV will expire in NOv 2023. I plan to enter Australia in May 2023 and will travel offshore after 2 months. I will be back to Australia after 8 months and will be offshore upon expiration. When should I apply for the next RRV? Before expiration of my first RRV in Nov or anytime after when I want to return?
Ideally before you travel out of Australia.
How do I renew my 5 year subclass 155 RRV which will exp on 05/09/2021
I plan to travel to Singapore as soon as we are allowed and stay one month overseas
If you are in Australia just apply from onshore, you don’t need to travel outside to apply. If you are not sure how, please contact us for more information.
My 5 year sub class 155 RRV has expired on Sept. 06. 2021. where can I renew it for the next 5 years? Can I get an answer?
Have you been in Australia for 2 years within those 5 years? If so it can be done online. If you need help, please reach out to us on our contact page and we can assist.
My RRV 155 ( 5 years ) will expired on the 08 January 2021. Do I need to renew again ? and I also apply citizenship on the 15 of September 2020
Yes you need to renew until your citizenship is approved.
Hi, I’ve applied for a resident return the end of February, can you tell me which documents need to be counter signed please.
Typically witness statements need to be signed by the witness, unless you mean you want to provide a statutory declaration?
Once you are with 1 year RVP, there is no way to get the 5 years RVP anymore? Am I correct here?
5 year RRV is for anyone who has lived in Australia for 2 years.
My wife’s RRV expires Dec 21 and mine in April 22. I stand a better chance in getting approval than her due to my cultural ties. Both children in Australia. Shall i submit my renewal before her RRV’s expiry and include her in my renewal application as i stand a better chance.
Thank you
Typically that depends when you want to travel. If both your children are in Australia, both her children are in Australia as well so her cultural ties are there too.
I am Ex-Citizen of Australia, I have Renounce my Citizenship in 2014, since then I have applied and received RRV 3 times. I am currently in Australia with my RRV visa.
How do I get my family to Australia, I have 7 and 12 years old children, I was Australian Citizen at the time of birth when my both children were born. My wife and children has never been to Australia and has never applied for any types of Australia Visas in the pass.
I am not sure they are qualify for RRV or any other visas?
Hi Swe, I have emailed you on this, please have a look and get back to me?
My RRV (Subclass155) Expires September 2021. Do I renew it then apply for citizenship? ie: Keep it current while my application is being processed
No harm in doing so, if you’ve been in Australia for 2 years it’ll take maybe 1 day to renew
What if I have spend less than 2 Years in Australia, and will be in australia when this 1 year RRV expires.
IF you qualify, you will get a 1 year RRV approved.
Also, my son lives in Australia and just became an Australian citizen. I just want to return home to Australia where I’ve lived for 19 years!
Am US born with US passport with permanent resident of Australia stamp. Flew to Guam 3 March to check on my 84 yrs old mother. Intended to return to Australia in 3 mths. Covid caused no flights allowed to Australia. My Australian visa has expired but I’m a permanent resident permanently. My son lives in Australia and is a citizen of australia. Flights home only opened back up. And desperate to return home! Can I now return home although my visa stamp has expired? Still waiting for your response from the first request I sent you. Please email me a response!
Please drop an email to singapore@australmigrate.com and we could look into your case for you.
i have applied for my 155 visa on 11 nov 2021 and have not heard since then.
i didnt fill 2 years residency and I provided substantial ties. now I need to li leave the country 26 December 2021 and i have not recieve my rrv yet
does it cause any problem not to wait for rrv grant before leaving , actually i have no choice
can you advise
If you applied for your RRV when you were in Australia, it’s fine to leave the country. The main risk is that you didn’t provide them enough evidence to grant you the visa, if that’s the case then if it’s rejected you’ll have to apply for another one from offshore before you can head back to Australia.
Me and my husband met in Australia.
He’s from Iran and I’m from Sweden.
He lived there for 5 years while he was studying and I was there on a working holiday visa. Our visas expired and we moved to Sweden, I applied for nomination skilled visa 190 from offshore and we received a permanent recidence 2015 in feb.
We went to Australia in April 2015 and I was pregnant at the time, I had already decided to give birth in Sweden so we went back after a month.
After that we kind of got stuck in Sweden, my husband started studying his master here and my grandma got sick and died,
Then COVID came 2019.
And now I’m pregnant and expecting feb 2021.
We have been thinking a lot of going back to Australia these 5,5 years since we got it granted and now we both feel that we belong there more than here.
We now wonder how we should approach to apply for a RRV
With to children?
Kind regards
Apply for an RRV for your and your husband, then a child visa for your children as they won’t have residency.
I have RRV one year visa until May 2022 and I have to travel outside Australia constantly, if I am not able to be in Australia for two years in the past five years, do I have to renew my RRV every year?
Yes for any stay less than 2 out of 5 years, a resident return visa renewal is always required and the maximum you can get is 1 year at a time.
I live in Australia with my son but my son were in overseas for some study.
Our RRV will expire soon. Can we both renew RRV while my soon still in overseas.
Please guide me with the question.
Yup that will work
Hi William,
I need your wisdom.
My daughter have been offered to do Masters Course in Australia after she had apply for RRV in which is still pending for approval.
She is offshore, has accepted the offer and enrolled into the February 2022 course, but yet to apply for Student Visa.
How shall she go about the process, what is the best course of action?
Should she wait for the RRV to be approved?
Should she apply for Student Visa while waiting for the RRV approval?
kind advise
It depends how long it takes for the student visa to be approved, if the student visa is applied for immediately and then the RRV is approved after the student visa is granted, then this is fine. However if the RRV is granted before the student visa, you would have to quickly cancel the student visa application, because when it’s granted it’ll replace your RRV.
Hi, will i lose my PR status if i do not renew the RRV when it expires? thanks
Well it depends. If you are in Australia then no, you are fine. If you are overseas then you won’t be able to get back as a permanent resident until you renew your RRV
Hi I received the 1 year 155 visa but I am currently out of Australia due to the work. If I stay 6 months out of 1 year, will this 1 year visa automatically renewed or I should be apply for 155 again? I have heard that I should not be away 3months consequentively outside of Australia during 2 years out of 5 years. Is this also true? 90 days of 9months,,,?
You have to renew your RRV whenever it expires. There is no minimum limit for the 2 out of 5 years, that’s not true. As long as you have stayed in Australia for 2 out of 5 years then you’ll get approved for a 5 year travel authority.
Hi I need your advice. I enter Australia with my RRV 155 (1 year) a few days before it expires in Nov 2022 I am now in Australia with the expired RRV. I need to travel overseas in June 2023 for two weeks. May I ask do I need to renew my RRV before my June trip? How long will it takes to process my renewal? Will it be a one year RRV 155 or 5 years? Greatly appreciate your advice. Thanks
You need a valid RRV to be able to leave and enter again as a PR. If you’ve stayed for less than 2 years out of 5 in Australia, you’ll get a 1 year renewal.
Hi. My husband and I currently hold the 189 Skilled Independent Visa. We have been living and working in Australia for the last 3-years . Our visa travel authority will expires on September 5 2022. We are planning to travel overseas at the end of this year. How early can we apply for the RRV?
You can apply as early as you want
I am a permanent resident subclass 101 since I was under the age of 18.
I have gotten the 5 year RRV granted before, then left Australia for 5 and 1/2 years to study in my other home in Europe (also COVID came along).
Now I entered the country in February literally 1 day before my 1 year RRV expired. I will stay 2 months and then leave again to Europe. I will apply for another 1 year RRV just before I leave. My father (also permanent resident), his wife (australian citizen) & half sister (born australian) live here and I have always worked and also gone to university while in Australia. I am also currently working in Hospitality.
My questions are two:
Will my visa likely be processed quickly even though i don’t meet the 2 year stay requirement?
And most importantly, do I have the option of coming to Australia once a year every year for a couple of months and getting the 1 year RRV granted as long as I can provide australian payslips and my family is living here??
Kind regards,
You should get the RRV based on your previous history and family ties, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be processed fast. For renewals past that time they’ll check on a case by case basis.
Hi there, my wife lodged a RRV about two months ago from overseas. She didn’t meet the 2 out of 5 years requirement due to Covid. I am Australian and our daughter is too so it’s just a formality really due to strong personal bond. We now need to go to Australia urgently for personal reasons (for 2 months before we plan to fully return in November) and an immigration phone agent said my wife should just apply for a tourist visa for the two months. The visa has just been approved. My question is, will this have any effect on the RRV considering she lodged overseas but will be in Australia when it’s approved!? Thanks
Your RRV will only be able to be approved when she returns offshore, it takes a couple months to process so they will let you know
Dear William,
I received my 1 Year RRV in July 2021 (outside Australia) and need to enter Australia by July 2022. Once I’m in Australia, I will need to constantly travel outside Australia, tough and my RRV would have expired. How do I travel outside of Australia and come back in again? I will be a student in Australia from July 2022. Will this constitute Cultural Ties? I won’t be out of Australia for more than 3 weeks at a time.
You will always need to maintain a valid RRV to be able to fly in and out of Australia. As long as you can show that Australia is your home base and that you are travelling for work or business then it should be fine
Dear William,
I left Australia for compassionate reasons. I received an RRV for one year based on the compassionate reasons. . I cannot go to Australia within the year and the RRV will expire in 3 months time. I don’t have any business or cultural ties in Australia. I don’t have any relatives there. Will I still be able to apply for an RRV if I cannot go back to Australia immediately and I now no longer have compassionate reasons either? Can I make the same application (on the basis of compassionate reasons) as I did previously as those were the reasons for why I left in the first place.
Case by case basis, so it’ll depend on your case officer and what evidence you provide them
Hi William, when 155 visa expiring, does it makes a difference especially when come to processing time, at the point of RRV application the person is in Australia or overseas? Thanks in advance and have a great day.
Yes being onshore of offshore makes a difference in how it is processed and where it is processed
My second 5 Yr RRV expires May 2023. In the recent 5 yrs, I travel overseas to care for my aged parents on and off. Normally I am 50 percent in Australia and 50 percent out. As of today (March 2022), I am having about 750 days in Australia in the preceding 5 yrs. However in 2020 due to covid, I was stuck overseas for 1.3 yrs at a stretch. But as per family commitments and projected travels in the next one year for care-giving purposes, I suspect this may drop to less than 700 days if I wait to 2023. There is still 1 yr 2 months validity of my 5 yr RRV. Since I am now having the 2 out of 5 yr criteria can I apply for the RRV now itself and get a 5 yr RRV? Or should I wait closer to the date next year? I am concerned on two things: 1. Whether I can apply this early. 2 If I apply now and get a 1 yr RRV I end up not getting anything at all as I still have to apply next year and the situation will be no different. Look forward to your advise and possibly help at the appropriate time.
Yes you can apply once you hit 2 years out of 5
Hi, if i submitted for RRV while i am in Australua and left the country( 6 months by the end of my PR), can i entre again with my valid PR before the RRV granted?
As long as your travel authority is still valid, you can enter and leave as often as you want.
My PR expires Sep’22 and i plan to travel out of Australia and come back in Dec’22. obviously i would need RRV.
My total stay in Australia by Dec’22 would be around 16 months. Any possibility of getting 5 year RRV in this case (despite not spending 2 years). if not, is the RRV (sub class 155) Visa fees any different for 1 year RRV vs 5 year RRV
subclass 155 fees are the same regardless of length or travel authority
Hi William, My current RRV expires in July 2022. I cannot go to Australia before July 2022. I would like to apply for another RRV right now and, hopefully, it will be granted for a year. However, if my application is declined, will my first RRV still be valid for me to try an get to Australia by July 2022 or will I lose the initial RRV that is valid for travel before July?
Hi William, I am currently in Australia and my current PR travel date expired on Feb’22. I want to travel to India for an emergency and planning to file an RRV. But in my case I have stayed for just 4 months in Australia ( Nov’21 to current date). I am currently working and my wife is also a PR holder (subclass 100). What are the chances of approval. In case if my RRV gets refused do I need to leave Australia immediately.
If you file your RRV in Australia and leave, you will need to wait for them to approve your RRV before you can re-enter. Note that can take around 4 months at current processing times. If your family are in Australia and you are working in Australia, provide that and approval wise you should be ok
Thanks William
May I know if I have already waited for 4 months for the 1 year RRV application to be approved and yet no news and need to re-enter Australia, is it possible to do so through the Australian ETA app Tourist visa 601?
Hi William, I lodged application RRV subclass 155 at the end of Nov 2021 and my wife lodged the application early Dec 2021. Her RRV has been granted in mid Feb 2022. I am just wandering why my RRV has still not been granted? may be you know the current immigration queuing system? should i contact the immigration or just wait?
I forgot to mention, me and my wife applied offshore, and our stay less than 2 out of 5 years.
Hard to say as I don’t know your case. It can take upwards of 4-6 months if the file is complicated
Hi William, my RRV was granted in May 2017 and it expires in May 2022, but I have only lived in Australian for 14 months (which was from Dec 2018 – Jan 2020). I have been just able to return to Australia a few days ago. My question is that will I be able to get another 5 years RRV if I renew it before May 2022 or should I be living in Australia for a year (to meet 2 years residence requirements) before I renew it? How do they count this 2 years residence requirement – is it within the bracket of the visa (May 2017 – May 2022), or they count this 2 years before the lodgement of the RRV application (let’s say March 2023? Also when it expires in May 2022, will I still be able to live and work in Australia, while waiting until March 2023 so I meet the 2 years. Thanks so much in advance.
2 years stay is calculated as a 5 year moving period. So 5 years from today until now you’d need to show 2 years of stay. You can always apply later as you are already onshore and can stay permanently in Australia
Thanks so much for quick response, William. Although my RRV expires in May 2022, should I continue living in Australia until March 2023 before I renew it so that I meet the 2 year residence requirement? How do they actually count the 5 years? I don’t quiet understand what you said “2 years stay is calculated as a 5 year moving period. So 5 years from today until now you’d need to show 2 years of stay.” Does it mean that they calculate the 5 years back prior the the lodgement of RRV application to see if I lived in Australia for 2 years? This is important to know as once I get the RRV for another 5 years, I will need to see my parents again back in Indonesia.
Hi Jony,
My mum is currently having almost the exact same situation as you were! Please let me know how you went about this, did you end up applying/renewing your RRV? How do they actually count the 2 years? Please advise, I’m in so much stress thinking about this as I don’t want her to lose her PR or anything like that. :’( Thank you so much, I’d appreciate your help and response.
sorry is not clear.
if I apply on the 3rd of june 2022 – it should go backward until 3rd of june 2018 ? or juanary the 1st / 2018?
I have lived in Australia for 3 out of the last 5 years when the RRV expired. Can I put off the renewal for another year while I am still offshore?
You can apply for a 5 year renewal anytime you have 2 out of a rolling 5 year stay.
My PR travel facility will expire in June 2023. So far I have lived only 8 months in Australia in 2019. I am reluctant to travel now because of pandemic. If I chose to travel back to Australia after 4 years, what are my chances of getting RRV if I go for vacation once in a year or two before that? My child is 2 years now and he is an Australian citizen but living in India now. Can I get RRV on this basis, if I apply after 4 years?
Yes you can apply for a 1 year RRV as long as you can show your ties to Australia
I am a permanent Australian resident and as you may know there is a long delay in renewing British passports, so my question is, as I qualify for a Emergency British passport ( as have already booked holidays in 7 weeks time) I now need to renew my ‘Return Residence’ visa Class BB, subclass 155 – my question is – will this still be fine to use with my Emergency British passport?
Passport shouldn’t be an issue, as long as it’s a legal document that allows you to travel.
My daughters RRV was issued in august 2020 for only one year expiring August 2021 . She was unable to get flights back as borders closed and few airlines flying during this time. She is now able to get home and we discovered the RRV had expired – we wrongly assumed it was valid for 5 years.
We have reapplied for another today based on family ties – she is booked to fly out to Perth in 10 days time is there anything we can do to speed the application? Or could we bring her in on a tourist visa? We’ve been told not to as she may lose her PR is this true?
If she applies for a tourist visa when she enters Australia it will be as a non PR. If they were to grant the RRV she would have to leave the country for them to be able to do so.
My PR expired in March 2022 and I have applied for RRV in Jan 2022 but still waiting. I have a property in AUS and my family is in AUS. I am currently in AUS. I am also employed in AUS. wht r the chances of getting 5 yrs RRV? I hve stayed in AUS fr 4 months.
a 5 year RRV is only for people who have lived in Australia for 2 out of 5 years prior to lodging their visa. If you don’t fulfil that you can only get a 1 year RRV.
Hi MZS.. Did you get your RRV granted? How long did it take for you? I have a similar situation and have applied RRV om July 26th 2022 but its still pending.
My dad has been absent for 9 years and 2 months, he was a permanent resident in 2013 as we all arrived australia, we arrived in 05 Feb 2013, my dad left in 20 Mar 2013, we were palestinian refugees in Egypt, we came on carer visa 116, my dad is stuck in Gaza strip he had 3 medical operations due to war and conflicts he recovered after a long time, his travel document has expired in 2017, he got it renewed last months after a while of trying, he is separated but not divorced with my mum,
My brother (23 years old) and I (27 years old) are Australian citizens , my dad got alot of relatives about 5 cousins and there families here in Australia and they are all australian citizens ,he left because he had an business related emergency overseas, as well as a close relative related emergency, should I apply for an RRV for him? Do you think this is a strong case?
The limitation on RRV is 10 years after your PR expired, so as long as he is within that period he can try to apply for an RRV based on family ties.
Dear William,
Thank you for all the good advice on this topic. Very helpful indeed.
I have a 5 year PR visa that expires Nov 2024. I have entered Australian recently to satisfy the entry conditions of the PR but plan to go back to Japan soon. Over the next couple of years, I plan to visit Australia regularly (my wife and sons are Australian citizens) but would not be able to satisfy the 2 year requirement by the expiry date of the PR. I plan to move to Australia in April 2024 to live. My questions are:
1) when should I apply for a RRV after moving here in April 2024? Before the expiry of my PR in Nov 2024 (to get a 1 Year RRV) or Apr 2026 (to satisfy the 2 year requirement to get a 5 Year RRV)?
2) If I continue to renew my RRV for 1 year, does it mean I will always be on 1 Year or so long as I can satisfy the 2 year out of 5 rule, I can change to 5 years?
3) substantial ties- is an Australian citizen wife & children enough to show this?
Thank you for your help.
If you don’t stay 2 years, you’ll have to apply using personal ties to Australia instead. Once you fulfil the 2 year stay anytime in the future you’ll get 5 years, this repeats until you choose to take up Australian citizenship.
Hi, We were granted our Visa in Mar 2013 and entered AU on the same year. I travelled again to AU in 2014, stayed with my sister’s family (they are AU citizens) and gave birth to my son in 2015. My newborn was AU citizen. Left AU Mar 2015 with my son and stayed overseas as I have other 2 young children then. What are the chances of getting 1YR RRV if we apply now? If fortunately we will be granted 1 Yr RRV, and we can travel back this year but have not decided to live permanently yet – can we apply RRV every year until we decide to settle permanently to AU?
Or do you suggest to delay our travel to AU until we have decided to settle permanently? Thank you.
An RRV is granted based on your ties to Australia if you have stayed there for less than 2 out of 5 years. If you apply outside Australia you’ll have to prove these ties every year while you are away. An Australian citizen child does help your case but doesn’t guarantee it.
I am offshore and my PR is expiring in September 2022. Awaiting decision on 309 partner along with dependent child visa application. I have only stayed for 5-7 days back in January 2018 while making first entry. Can’t move until I hear on 309 and subsequently need some additional months to move as well.
i. Does RRV rejection have any impact on the current active PR?
ii. Can I get at least 1 year RRV if I apply now?
ii. Would the effective RRV visa period be applicable subsequent to expiry of PR or it would start immediately?
You will need to have your PR active or it will have an affect on the 309. RRV rejection does not influence your current PR status no. Getting an RRV always depends on either stay or ties to Australia, so you will have to demonstrate those ties.
how long can you stay out of australia traveling on a rrv visa , before you have to return to Australia.
I am also interested in this! I have lived four of the five years in Australia constantly, my travel rights expire march 2023, but i would have been offshore for a year by then, i am returning to Australia within the next three years though, can i still get the five year rrv?
You can apply for a 5 year travel authority as long as from the date you apply, before that you stayed for any 2 years out of the last 5 years. So you’ll have to calculate carefully. If you qualify now, then apply now.
My family immigrated from the UK in 1964 they all did their australian citizenship i did not
I travel on my british passport for which i have just applied for a renewal as mine expired along with my re entry visa in September 2021
Do i need to wait until i get my new passport before i apply for my 5 year re entry visa and can this be done online or should i wait until i am actually going to travel before i apply for it
Everything is done online, you would probably need to wait for a new passport, the system may not let you put in an expired passport date
From what you are saying it appears I am eligible for a 1 year RRV because I left Australia as a PR back in 2018. The travel authority expired back in 2018 after I last left Australia. I had only spent 18 months in Australia and then have not been able to return since then because of the pandemic. I applied for the 155RRV online like they told me to but it is taking longer than expected to process. We thought it would be a quick process and within the 5 day processing period because my husband and children are Australian citizens. How long does it usually take for this type of situation? Is there anything I can do to strengthen the case to make the processing time quicker? My application status seems stuck in “received” with no movement in over 2 weeks. Could it really take months even if I show my relationship to family in Australia and have a letter from my husband and his parents explaining our situation?
It can take up to 5 months
Could you please confirm that our Return Visas are still valid?
Hi, my RRV expires in October this year, and i have been living overseas for the past five years, having not returned at all due to family reasons and covid.
I have recently applied for and gotten the permanent residency for my spouse and child, which will expire in 2027.
Will i be able to extend my rrv online, providing my family who are now PR as ties to australia?
How long after having an RRV can one apply for citizenship???
it’s not specific to RRV. It’s 4 years in Australia, with the last 1 year being a permanent resident, as well as some other conditions
Hi, my RRV visa expires at the end of this year and i have not been to australia at all within the last 5 years due to covid and family commitments.
I have recently applied and gotten the permanent residency status for both my wife and child with rrv that expires in 2027. Would i be able to apply online to extend my RRV providing my familys residency as ties to australia?
With family members who have PR then your RRV should be ok for another renewal
Hi William, My one Year RRV will expire at the end of June 2022, and I was last in Australia in April of 2016. If I don’t go to Australia now in June before my one year RRV Expires, it means I would be out of Australia for more than 5 years. What are my options: Can I apply now for another RRV offshore before this one expires or should I try to go to Australia before my RRV expires and apply onshore? If I let the RRV lapse and am away for longer than 5 years, but I can show ties, will I still qualify for another RRV ?
I currently have a RRV which expires in 2024 but my passport expires in February next year. If I go overseas, does that mean I have to return before August (6 months before passport expiry)? Or can I return anytime before the passport expires?
Just apply for a new passport and update your visa in immi to the new passport
i do renewal of RRV every year since i work outside australia . granted PRin 2014 ; if i had completed 740 days in 8 years , will i qualify for the 5 years RRV again or will it be just one year again ? i was stuck in australia for 15 months due to covid travel restrictions , ( as PR gave time for travel and return 5 years from date of grant )
2 out of 5 years is the check
How many times have you been granted RRV (12 months)?
In total for myself or for our clients? Note that there is no limitation – if you fulfil the criteria they can continue to grant it to you.
Hi William,
My mum is a Permanent Resident of Australia. She’s had the 5 year travel facility, which was granted to her back in 7th September 2017. Unfortunately she hasn’t met the 2-years requirement to stay onshore while on her current RRV. And she won’t meet the 2-years requirement by the time we reach 7th September 2022 (she won’t have stayed in Australia and met the requirement for 2 years even by then, as she will only be in Australia for maybe about 1 year and a half or so by the time we reach 7th September 2022).
She is currently in Australia now, she just arrived in Australia on 4th April, and she plans to not travel overseas until at least the end of the year.
What should I do about this situation? When do you suggest we apply for her RRV? Is it better to do it right now/ASAP OR just before 7th September 2022 OR after 7th September 2022?
Will she be granted the 2 years or 5 years travel facility once we apply for it?
Also I know there’s an option to “Apply” for RRV online on the immi website, but is there a difference in the link option/button to apply for 2 years or 5 years or it’s all the same?
Thanks a lot, I will appreciate your detailed response as I have been in so much stress thinking about my mum’s situation! So worried about it! But I’d appreciate your help!
If you are in Australia applying for an RRV with less than 2 years stay, then you’ll be only able to get a 1 year travel authority until you’ve stayed there for 2 out of 5 years.
My last RRV was for a year. To renew it and be able to get 5 more years, are there any requirements to meet for that visa also to be able to renew it? or every time you apply – no matter wich RRV you had before- 730 days in that past 5 years is what matters?
I have entered in the country 21 days before that visa expires so I’m not sure if immigration checks other stuff apart of those 730 days from the day you apply next to give you 5 years.
If I apply on the 1st of Nov 2022 to get 5 years will count backward till the 1st of Nov 2018 or till January 2018?
5 years from the date of application
How come my RRV only granted for one year, when I am permanent resident in Australia for 15 years?
Depends how long you have lived there in the last 5 years. If it’s less than 2 years in the last 5 years, they can only give you 1 year at most
Can I still reactivate my PR (expired 2013) while on a student visa? I have not stayed for 2 years and have no personal ties.
Without personal ties then the chances are slim
Hi, I have been a PR since 2018 and have lived and worked in Australia. I only go for a vacation to see my family once a year. I am already eligible to apply for an Australian citizenship. My RSMS 187 travel facility will expire by July of next year (2023). Now if I apply for a RRV and have it granted, will my eligibility to eventually apply for a citizenship reset back to zero, meaning will I need to stay for a number of years again to be able to be eligible for a citizenship application?
No it will continue.
From your experience, is there any impact on future RRV or any pros/cons of getting a 1 year tourist visa instead of a 1 year RRV? Just in case some delays in processing.
Hi – I am in USA and I got my PR in March 2019. I travelled to Australia with my family in April 2019 to comply with first entry. I came back to USA after 1 week of stay.
Currently I am in USA since then and I ( and my family) have my PR valid till March 2024. I want to know if I can enter Australia before my PR expiry and stay there for 2 years then can I apply for RRV and get it for 5 years.
I am not totally clear with RRV eligibility regarding 2 years of stay in 5 year. Is this 5 years counted when the PR was given or 5 years is counted backwards from the date we apply RRV. Please clarify.
If you enter Australia before you expiry date you can remain in the country indefinitely (it says so on your visa)
Hi, i was granted PR in 2009 with RRV for 5 years. I travelled overseas imany times with no issues. recently I travelled n emergency for 4 days and on returning on 25 June 2022 when trying to board the flight, was told that my RRV had expired. The immigration officer at the airport asked me to complete immi account and he said the visa issue is instant. I quickly completed some forms online, and s57 request and NPC required as I answered no to all character questions. How should I respond. Your help and guidance will be appreciated.
Hi, my subclass 155 expired Dec 2016 (granted for 5 years) and now that I’m planning to return to Australia to apply for my child citizenship by descent, should i apply for a new partner visa or renew subclass 155?
Try renewing your subclass 155 first
My RRV espires on 21st October 2022. I plan to return to Australia mid August. I would like to apply for the new RRV 5 for 5 years on November 15. Will they process the application from November 15 and 730 days back. Or will it be better for me to renew my application on 20th October 2022. I asked for a Movement Travel History and it shows I have stayed in Australia for 673 days. Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter.
it’s backwards from your time of application
My PR is going to be expire in December but I just arrived recently and need to wait till February to be there for 2 years. I don’t have plan to travel between December and February, but Im worried to stay with a expired PR. When should I apply for RRV? Should I apply in February or now?
And am I able to stay in Australia after my PR expire in December ?
Thank you in advance.
If you mean after your travel authority expires, the answer is yes as long as you entered into Australia before the ‘must not enter by’ date and your stay lengthy says ‘indefinite’
Your PR hasn’t expired, please see my other explanation
Hi, May I please ask how many times can the 1 year RRV be granted?
I applied RRV on a yearly basis for 3 times now (can prove ties with AU and due to Covid reasons, cannnot return to AU yet). I’m wondering if there is an upper limit of how many times that RRV (one year) can be granted.
After a while they will feel your claims to weaken over time, so yes stay outside of Australia for a prolonged period of time and they will feel your ties to Australia would have weakened
Thank you very much, William, for your advise.
In my 3rd RRV 155 (one year) grant letter, I notice there is one adding paragraph saying
“The maximum travel facility period that can be granted to applicants who do not meet the
above requirements is one year from the date the visa is granted. It is not possible, by law, to
extend the travel facility. ”
I didn’t see this in my previous two grant letters.
My understanding is that the visa cannot be extended after one year, but I can still apply for a new one year RRV, is it correct? I own two properties in Australia, is this a strong or weak personal ties to Australia in your opinion?
my 187 PR visa will expire December2023.
right now in USA, have plan to move back Australia next year, I ‘will not meet 2 years stay requirement.
I have plan to go back and stay 4 years, get citizenship. then travel outside.
Do i need to apply RRV visa (I will not travel out Australia before my citizenship) or renew my PR visa to stay in Australia.
You have unlimited entry until December 2023, you’ll need to apply for an RRV if you want to extend this ability past this date.
Hi William
My wife arrive 18.4 21 on a subclass 100 visa and never left. Travel facility expired 02.9.21.
If we lodge 155 appilcation on 30.4.23. Will this give her 5 year facility. Processing time will be around 5 days?
If she’s stayed for 2 years out of 5 by that point then yes it’ll be for 5 years. Processing time can be quicker than 5 days
Hi my name is Kuldeep and I have got Residency visa in July 2012 and I departure from in Nov 2014 Australia bcz my younger Brother was admitted in hospital and he was passed away in April 2015 so my mother was alone and that time she need my help bcz she little bit depressed. In between my visa was expired on 2017 now i want to come Australia so can I apply RRV .pls help me out.
You will have to apply for an RRV showcasing your ties to Australia and your compelling reasons for absence
Thnx William ,sry I don’t have ties but I have compelling reasons bcz my younger brother was expired and my mom was little bit depressed that’s why
i was absent. any chance to get RRV.
Thnx for Reply . I have a cousin brother and friend ,they are citizens and I have also compelling reason. So I can a apply RRV.
Thanks for the reply, Do we need to attach supporting documents such as her passport, HK ID cards plus Personal Tie items IF SHE HAS ALREADY MET THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS on ImmiAccount?
My wife is PR but doesn’t meet minimum 2 years stay in Australia, I know it will take long time to get the RRV to be approved, so can she leaves Australia while the RRV is being processed?
She can yes, but she may not be able to return as a PR until her RRV is approved
Hi there
I am a permanent resident of Australia and my visa is subclass 189. I had my first entry and then go back to Iran but after that due to the corona pandemic crisis, I decided to postpone my immigration to Australia. In recent days I arrived in Australia to stay for a long time but my visa will expire in the upcoming days.I would like to know if it is required to extend my visa or not? If your response is yes, please advise me how I can extend it. I currently live in Australia but at this time do not have citizenship due to my short stay. Can you please help me with this?
Sincerely yours
You only need to renew your RRV prior to leaving Australia. You can stay indefinitely in Australia as a PR as long as you entered within the allowed period on your visa grant
Hi ,
My husband has completed only 1.6 years but me and both my children has completed 2.5 years stay in Australia.While applying for RRV, Can I apply for all 4 of us as a group? Or should I apply seperately for him?We 4 of us are planning to travel after 3 months for a one month vacation to abroad and then come back. but all our PR’s expire next month. Will applying all four of us together for an RRV will delay the process?
If you apply for all 4 your husband’s will be granted for 1 year only. You’ll need to apply for all though since you are traveling soon you don’t have a choice. Once your husband hits 2 years stay he can actually apply again even if his 1 year RRV is still valid, then he’ll be given 5 years
Hi There,
We (me and my wife) are in Australia from more than 2 years. We want to apply for RRV. Do we need to submit separate application for each? There is an option that is this a part of group applications. What does it mean?
Yes seperate application for each member. Group application means they are all decided together.
I have a question about RRV. I am Australian and submitting a PR application for my wife. If it expires when we are in Thailand. Can we simply apply form a new RRV, or do we always have to keep it current ? We have a compelling reason to return to Australia as our son is Australian citizen.
RESENT, as I made an error in last submission …
I have a question about RRV. I am Australian and submitting a PR application for my wife.
If the RRV expires whilst we are overseas in Thailand. Can we simply apply form a new RRV, or do we always have to keep it current ? We have a compelling reason to return to Australia as our son is Australian citizen.
Apply overseas is fine, you need it current to enter the country (or they won’t let your wife on the plane). It’ll take about 3-4 months to renew if you’ve been in Australia for less than 2 years in the last 5 years, else if you’ve been there over 2 years it’ll be approved quite quick
Hi William,
I am going to overseas tonight but I realized I forgot to Renew my Resident return visa (155). But I already lodged renew Resident Return Visa 2 days ago from Australia. I have been in Australia almost 20 years and I never spent my time in overseas over 1 month in every 2 years Could you please give advise if I am still okay go back to overseas waiting my Resident Return Visa over there and will impact my Permanent Resident Visa ? Will they reject my RRV to come back here ? I am good citizen in Australia.
Thank you
You’ll be fine, it should be approved within a few days if you’ve been in Australia that long.
Hi William,
I received PR on Oct 2017 and valid until 1st Oct 2022.
As a PR i stayed for 2 days in Australia in the last 5 years.
Did not migrate to Australia as i need to take care of my aged mother due to her health conditions. She died in 2021. And also due to COVID-19 pandemic reasons.
I do NOT have any ties like Employment ties, Personal ties or business ties etc.
Can i still apply for a RRV visa from offshore before my PR visa expires or after visa expiry.
Will I be granted RRV 3 months or 1 year ?
If you get in to Australia before 1st October and build your ties you should be ok to get another 1 year.
I’m in Australia for past 14 months on a 155 (1 year). The travel authority expired in December 2021 – I need to travel overseas urgently this week but I completely forgot about the travel authority until now ??♀️ I’ve applied again now for 155 but I’m scared to leave the country until it’s approved incase it will take months to come through. I have substantial ties Australian PR partner, job, permanent rental lease ect…. but can’t yet meet the 2 year requirement. IMMI suggest most applications are done in 5 business days. What should I do – I can’t be stuck outside the country for months :(
It will most likely take up to 2-4 months to approve, so you will have to plan accordingly
I am on a resident return visa along with my daughter and are currently overseas studying. She plans to study in one of the universities in Australia but only after 3 years. Can I renew our RRV for 3 years while being offshore until she gets her admission in College. I dont have any personal ties, but I am a CPA Australia and an active bank account. Would those ties be sufficient to renew the RRV. My child is still under 18
No you can only renew for 5 years or 1 year.
I would like to book a virtual appointment with a lawyer or consultant as I have some inquiries about renewing my PR, it’s a litter bit complicated. Can please help me booking an appointment with someone that can help?
One of my colleagues will be in touch
My RRV expires on 23 August 2023 and I will not be able to fulfill the 2 out of 5 year residency rule in Australia due to Covid (I was away in the United States for almost three years). I have been in Australia since 1979 and have Australian citizen children and should be able to show significant ties to Australia. It sounds like the Aussie government is strict about the 2/5 rule, so I assume I would be granted the 1-year travel authority.
QUESTION: If I only stay 3-4 months during the 1-year RRV visa, does that jeopardize my application for future 1-year RRV visas? I probably would only be staying short periods of time each year in Australia so I suppose I would need to re-apply every year for the 1-year RRV. Thanks
No it shouldn’t as long as you maintain your ties to Australia
My husband and childrens become Australian citizens recently, I am currently PR holder(Dependent). should I continue with rrv or change my visa to partner visa. we are planning to stay overseas for another 5 years.
RRV is fine since your spouse is Australian
over last 5 years my mum only stayed one year in Australia and she is currently overseas with expired PR visa.
Mum has two Australian Citizen kids in Australia. By showing that would we fulfil personal ties and sufficient or need more to show for personal ties?
Depends on length of absence, it’ll be ties to Australia and potentially compelling reasons for absence.
My mother was granted the subclass 155 PR for 5 years in 2017 but due to covid she couldn’t fulfill her 2 years out of the 5 years and it expired in October 2022. She stayed only 1 year and a few months. Then she reapplied another RRV 155 but they granted her 1 year validilty until October 2023. My sister is currently residing in Australia.
My mother would like to know if she can apply for subclass visa for 5 years if she fulfill her 2 years out of 5 years? Do we continue counting the days from 2017 or from 2022 onwards to stay up to 2 years to get the 5 year subclass 155 visa next time?
So everytime she renews her visa is only going to be 1 year from now on?
The 5 years is always rolling from today’s date backwards.
Is the 5 or 1 year period for RRV applied from PR expiry date or application date?
If I apply now, but it doesn’t expire till Jan-2024, will it extend till Jan-2029 or to Oct-2027?
Reviewed the comments, but haven’t seen this asked.
Thanks for your help
Your period starts from the day of grant. So if your visa is granted today, it’ll be 1 year or 5 years from today.
Will the grant date be the date of the PR expiration date?
I applied before 110 days offshor
then I came to Australia before RRV expiration
can you push the processing from Immi
I contacted them they told me send an email ( I sent ) i am waiitng
So is there any way to push ?
My current 1-yr RRV will expire on 15 Jan 2023. I will be entering Australia on 7 Jan 2023. I have plans for a trip out of Australia in mid March 2023 for two months. If I apply for new RRV onshore in January, can I still travel out of Australia in March even before new RRV is approved?
Yes but if it’s not approved you won’t be able to come back in
hi my RRV expires on next january 2024. which is 13 months away. can i renew rrv now or not ? i wanna stay a bit longer in overseas. pls let me know. u help will be much appriciated
You can renew anytime you want
I am from Canada and have strong ties to Australia (my children were born in Australia and one of them still lives there and now I have grandchildren). I used to be a PR 30 years ago and worked in Australia but had compelling family reasons to leave. Now, I want to be with my grandchildren and would like to know what difference would it make for me applying offshore or onshore? I am spending the month of December 2022 in Australia as a Visitor but eventually want to spend 6 months a year in Australia and work, so RRV 155 one year travel authority would be best? I would then have to reapply each year.
You can only apply onshore when the RRV expiry is more than 10 years.
I have RRV 155, I am thinking of applying for Citizenship I haven’t left the country in 2 years but my travel facility is expired? Can I apply for Citizenship with an expired travel facility?
I have lived/worked here for 11 years
I am an Australian PR since 1979 but due to Covid, won’t be able to fulfill the 2/5 rule for my RRV which expires on 23 August 2023. I plan on renewing my RRV closer to the time of the expiry (perhaps in July) and assume I would only be granted a 1-year 155. Question: is it better to reapply while in Australia or does it take longer if reapplying offshore? I am thinking of returning to the US in January and staying for 8-9 months (to help daughter with new baby) but also could make the effort to return to Australia to reapply. So, which is better: onshore or offshore application? Thanks so much!
It’ll take at least 4 months to get a decision, they would prefer you remain in Australia while waiting for a decision, but if your ties are strong (such as an Australian citizen spouse), then it doesn’t really matter if you apply onshore or offshore
Our RRV expired in July’22 and we have applied for a new RRV last month as we were planning to travel in Dec’22. We have not completed the 2 years stay in 5 years but have enough employment ties with Australia. We thought we will get the approval earlier but its getting delayed now. Is there a way to fast track the process? Is BVB applicable for RRV?
We are living in australia currently since July 2021.
No you don’t get a bridging visa with an RRV. It should take about 4.5+ months to get a decision on your visa.
Hi William,
If I have already applied for 1 year RRV application onshore (4 months prior to RRV expiry) and travel out of Australia with the existing RRV and have waited for 4 months for the new RRV approval and yet no news. May I know if I could re-enter Australia, using the Australian ETA app Tourist visa 601 while waiting for the RRV approval?
You probably shouldn’t do that, no guarantee that the RRV will be granted, if you are saying you have been waiting 8 months for you RRV that’s a bit strange, it normally doesn’t take so long to finalise
Hello William,
I was granted PR(subclass 189) in Sep 2017 and I made the first entry before the mentioned date and stayed for a week.I was unable to migrate to Australia owing to pandemic and also because I was pregant with twins when I received my PR and was advised to avoid travels as the twins were born premature.My husband moved there on August 2022.The travel facility of my PR expired in Sept 2022.I had applied for RRV in July 2022 but its still in “Receive” status.I have few job offers as well.I have shown my husband and the job offers as the substantial ties in Australia.Do you think there would be any issue granting the RRV and how long is it likely going to take for the RRV to be granted
RRVs typically take 4.5 months+ to approve.
NIsha, Did you receive your RRV , yet ???
We have been in australia for 12 years on permanent visa.
My son now 17 years getting a new Swedish passport since expired. He also needs to apply for return visa. Never have before. He hasn’t left australia for 12 years. I can’t update his new passport to link to his old visa on immi account. Does he need to update the new passport before applying for return visa? He’s going to USA in April for 3 weeks.
Really hope to find answers
I am on 189 since 2016
My travel facility expired on 6 Apr 2021
I was unaware and travelled back to Philippines Dec 2022 for a month. On 22 Jan i was supposed to travel back but stopped at the airport because of no travel authority
I have applied RRV yesterday and attached some docs
Is this ok? Would it affect my PR? I cant see my visa in VEVO as well. So does this mean I dont have a valid visa anymore??
I have worked since 2012 and i have recently travelled back for holiday due to pandemic
your RRV should have been approved already for 5 years if you’ve lived in Australia for 2 out of 5 years. Else it can take up to 4 months to approve.
My visa expired in Oct 2005 and I left Australia in Jan 2004 due to ongoing care for aged parents in-law.
My son was born outside of Australia and had to undergo routine medical check up due to his premature birth. We were therefore unable to return back to Australia.
I am currently in Australia, on my second trip this year under ETA and would like to apply for RRV. My son is currently studying in Australia and will be here studying for the next 5-7 years. He has express his intention to work in Australia once he completes his education.
It has been more than 10 years since my PR expires. What are the chances of getting my RRV approved?
Depends on your ties to Australia, the stronger your ties the better, but obviously with long absences from Australia your chances drop
If you have been in Australia for only a few months in the past 5 years and after expiration of that 5 years, offshore you are granted 1 year RRV but was unable to travel on that RRV at all during the whole 1 year can you apply for another RRV? worried because was unable to travel on first RRV, will there be any problem due to this?
You can apply, they’ll decide again whether to grant you another 1 year RRV
Hi William,
My wife subclass 100 was granted Nov 2019, we couldn’t reach first entry date until 2022 due to covid. We did manage 8 months/ 5 yrs but now need to apply for the 155 again via IMMI email notification. Concerned and would like a paid consultation. Please reach out to me.
You should be fine if you are living in Australia for renewal or if you have strong ties to Australia.
If you have apply for a RRV, but since leaving Australia have had a child – can they be included on your RRV?
No the child needs a child visa
Hi William! I was issued an RRV visa. Two week later I received a new medicare card by post mail although my existing one didn’t expire yet. The new medicare card now has the same expiry date as the RRV. Is this something expected? Does medicare depends on the travel facility?
No Medicare should not be tagged to your RRV, but this is something you should check with centrelink
What if i got married after subclass 155 is granted?
Makes no difference
Hi William,
My Wife PR expired in oct 2020 and my elder daughter PR expired in Sep 2021.
Both my wife and elder daughter have not fufilled the 2 out of 5 year stay condition .
They Both left the Australia in April 30 2019 as my wife was preganet with second daugter and due to complications she travelled back overseas. Am an australian citizen and my second daughter is a australian citizen who is residing with my wife and elder daughter If we apply for RRV i beleive it will be granted for one year. But how long will take for the processing time. Thanks
I often travel to Australia for family reasons. Eventually, I will be applying for RRV 155 (1-year travel authority for starters). Since it’s not possible to know exactly how much time it takes to be granted a RRV155, what happens if it’s granted while I’m on a Tourist Visa in Australia?
has anyone got their RRV155 granted recently?
Does it say:
“Travel facility period
The travel facility period of this visa cannot be extended by law.
Is this newly added? I didn’t see this in my previous grant letter.
Thanks for checking
I saw this today in my RRV grant letter. What dies this mean?
is this the first time you received your grant letter?
My name changed after marriage which was BEFORE my original visa was granted. It has not changed since I got a visa or moved to Australia. Do I need to provide proof of name change and should I answer yes to the known by other names question?
I am a PR since 1979 and my 155 travel facility expires on 23 February 2023. Because of Covid, I will only have fulfilled 713 days out of the 5 year period (17 days short). My wife will qualify for the 5-year 155 on that date. We have significant ties to Australia (Australian citizen children and significant Ozzie assets). During the past 5 years, I was caring for my elderly mother overseas, so that was part of the reason I fell short of the 730 days.
QUESTION: Since I am only 17 days short of the 730 days, how strict is the Australian government about qualifying for the 5-year 155 visa? Is there any chance of qualifying for the 5-year visa or should I assume I will only get the 1-year travel authority? If my wife and I apply together, maybe the immigration department would consider giving me the 5-year one? Thank you very much.
Wait 17 days before applying. Even if your RRV expires before that date. You’ll get the 5 years.
We have 189 visa granted in 2018 and we made our first entry in the same year and only stayed there for 2 weeks.
Since that we lived in off shore and we were blessed with a baby in 2021 Nov. We applied chiild 101 visa for him and still it is not granted.
Our RRV is expires in April2023 and we would not be able to travel until child’s visa is granted.
What would be out next action should be?
My sister is a citizen of Australia.
You’ll need to apply for an RRV at least 4 months before your current visa expires.
Hi there,
I recently came back to Sydney because my RRV is due and my understanding is that I need to stay in Australia at least 2 years to be eligible for another 5 year RRV, If I need a short holiday say 1 week to travel to Fiji for example, am I required to apply RRV or can I travel without having to apply RRV?
You will always need some sort of RRV to leave the country and return as a resident. RRV can be 1 or 5 years
I stayed in Australia for three and a half years and left on July 19, 2021. I am planning to come back next month. However, my child subclass 101 visa is expiring on January 3rd 2023. I would like to know how long it would take for an RRV to process, considering that I meet the residency requirement. Also, there’s a job offer waiting for me in Australia. Should I include that in the application to quicken the process?
RRV takes about 4+ months to approve.
In Dec 7th ,my RRV was granted to me for 1 year (I am currently offshore and didn’t spend 2 years in the last 5 years inside Australia that’s why I got only one year).
The next day, Dec 8th, I applied for my dependents RRVs as well. (They are my dependents in the 189 visa and they have the same conditions as of mine). How long it takes to get their RRV granted?
If you haven’t stayed for 2 out of 5 years, it takes upwards of 4 months to process in most cases.
Hi William,
Happy New Year. I am returning to Australia in February after being overseas for most of the last 5 years (about 1 month total since July 2018). This is my second 5 year RRV. My RRV will expire 3 July 2023.
Should I apply soon after returning in March so my application is processed during my valid RRV and I can travel if required (emergency) or should I stay at least 3 months then apply. I have a job contract that will commence in March and end in August. I have the intent on remaining in Australia and I’m moving my dog and household belongings back to Australia. I am nervous about not being able to travel to see family in USA if required. Many thanks
Hi William,
I have applied for my RRV (Dec 14 2022) but I need to travel through Australia, a transit only, to visit family in South Africa at the end of January 2023. I fear my RRV won’t be approved in time, am I able to apply for a transit visa for Australia instead? Or will this transit visa affect my RRV application/or my PR status?
I read that appalling for temporary visas whilst your PR has expired, can affect your PR status.
Could you please confirm if Im safe to apply for a transit visa whilst my RRV is processing?
I am not aware of a transit visa
Hi there,
My sister is living overseas and has an RRV (one year type) that is due to expire in a few months time. She plans on a short visit to Australia a few days before the expiry date of the current RRV, and has applied for a new RRV offshore in the meantime. As the off shore RRV application takes a LONG time to process, there is a chance that she may not get the new RRV by the end of the short visit, and she will be leaving Australia with no valid RRV.
May I know if this is a problem? Can she exit Australia on an expired RRV? Will it affect her on-going RRV application?
Thanks a lot for your help!
She can exit without a problem, but without a valid RRV she won’t be able to enter Australia
Hello. My son and I both have PRs and applied for RRVs. We were both granted a year. I have moved back with my husband. But my son is still in the US. Something came up and he isn’t able to come back right now, and maybe not before the year is up. Will he be able to apply for it again? And if so is there a time limit on how long he can be away before he applies again? A year, 2, 3, etc? TIA
Depends how strong his ties to Australia are. If he’s still a minor and you are in Australia then he should be able to apply a few more times.
Hi, I have my PR but left Australia 6 years ago with my Australian husband and child to spend time with my family in the UK. I have had one RRV which will expire in Feb 2024. Presumably if I apply for another RRV when this one expires I will only be granted a 1 year extension. I do want to eventually return to Australia with my husband and children (all have Aus citizenship) but not that soon, and I don’t want to lose my PR. Can I let the current RRV lapse and then reapply when we are ready to migrate back to Australia or should I reapply for a new 1 year RRV every year until we’re ready? I have fairly good ties to Australia having lived there for 9 years and all my in-laws are there. Thank you very much.
Yes you should qualify for a 1 year RRV as your spouse is an Australian.
Hi William, would the 5 year period be 5 years counting back from the date of reapplication or from the date the last/ current RRV was granted?
For context, my current RRV was granted Jan 2019 and would expire in Jan 2024. If I wait till Jan 2024 to reapply, I would be short of 5.5 months to make the 2-year period. But if I apply early in Jun 2023 and the time starts from Jun 2018, I would have fulfilled the 2 year period. I would like to get another 5 years and not 1 year. I am unable to make up more time due to being posted overseas for work.
Thank you.
You can always wait the extra time to hit the 2 out of 5 year stay.
Hi. I was originally granted a PARTNER (MIGRANT) (Class BC) PARTNER (Subclass 100) Visa back in 2014. Because of various reasons we decided upon staying in UK whilst still keeping options open. That Visa expired in July 19. Because of the pandemic we couldn’t return to Aus until this year. I applied and recieved a RRV 155 Visa with a 1 year travel ‘allowance’ very easily albeit for£200 + and we spent Christmas in Aus.
The rasons both for staying in the UK (at the moment) as well as travelling to Aus at least once a year still remain, however I’m now wondering whether it’d be simpler to apply for a free EVisitor visa for out trips ‘home’ rather than a £200+ RRV 155.
Question is…would an EVisitor application cancel out any chance of subsequently getting my RRV 155 reinstated?
Thanks. Mike B
An Evisitor would not necessarily cancel out future RRVs
I am a PR in Australia and currently still have a valid date of expired until 11 of May. I plan to go oversea in March and come back to Australia in April before my visa expired. Can I still apply RRV just for in cease because i don’t know if i might stay longer in oversea and want to come back to Australia after 11 of May.
You can apply for an RRV anytime you want, even before it expires.
Hi. My RRV expires on 24 March 22. I left Australia for Bali on 9th March 2020. Then lockdown began on 11th Mar 20. Then I came cack to WA in Oct 2022.
Bali Airport was completely closed and no flights was operated and WA closed the border till March 2022.
My question is to renew my RRV this March, I don’t think I could meet 2years out of 5 years. Is there any COVID-19 concession for 155 visa holders?
IF you apply for an RRV they’ll give you 1 year instead of 5 years.
Sorry. My mistake. My 155 visa expires on 24th March 2023. Not 2022.
I am an Australian Permanent Resident, my UK passport expires on 30.1.23 (I applied online on 26.1.23 to renew it). It says it will take up to 11 weeks to renew. My RVV expires on 10.3.23. My RVV may expire before the new passport is received. I started to renew my RVV via my immiaccount but it strongly suggested to have at lease 6 months left on my passport. Will it be ok to apply for the RVV after it expires
It’s fine once the visa is granted just update the passport details
Hi, my 5-year RRV 155 will expire in March 2024 (so next year). Can I apply for a new 5-year RRV 155 now?
Sure but it will restart your 5 year clock from now instead of restarting closer to March 2024.
Hi, there, could you pls advise when one can apply for a 5-year RRV 155 visa? Can we apply, say, one year before the current one expires?
You can apply anytime you fulfil the criteria for the visa grant. i.e. after you’ve logged 2 years stay out of the last 5.
Can I apply 2 years before the 5 year visa end? I have logged the 2 years. Can the renewal application be done overseas or need to be done onshore?
Can I apply for renewal 2 years before the 5 year visa expire? I have logged 2 years.
Must the renewal application be done onshore or can it be done overseas?
Hi there,
My daughters boyfriend came to Australia with his family on a permanant residents visa at the age of 4 and has not left Australia in the 14 year period. He has not applied for citizenship, but completed his year 10 certificate in the Australian schooling system is Enrolled in TAFE and is nearing the completion of his apprenticeship. His family own both property and a business in Australia. He would like to join us in a trip to Bali this coming June for 10 days then return to Australia. He will be travelling on his British passport. He will be returning to his full-time job when he returns. To me he as a very strong case to be granted the RRV. Is there anything we can do to speed up the process as we have limited time before we travel.
Thanks for your help.
an RRV for someone who has been in Australia for more than 2 years out of the last 5 should be granted within a few days at most.
Dear William,
After expiry of the 190 visa, does one require to apply for the RRV or any other visa while being onshore in Australia?
No intention to travel outside of Australia for some time
You’ll need the RRV to leave the country for holidays or work. To remain in Australia you won’t need anything.
Hey william, i am in Au as PR but my travel authority has expired. I landed in Au on the 12 feb 2021 but i have been out for about approx 62 days in total ( few weeks in 2021) for business and personal reasons. I am applying for rrv next week. Will i be considered as a resident who stayed more than 2 years OR do they calculate on day basis. Which means i will be 62 days short of 2 years. Could you please clarify this for me? Thanks
Apply for an RRV, they’ll give you 1 year, or if you don’t need to travel, just wait the 62 days before applying. They calculate per day in Australia,.
Hi William ,
My RRV is expiring on 15 March 2023. I am currently overseas and will go to Australia on 10 March, just before it expires. I will leave Australia on 15th April . By then my current RRV will already be expired . I do not want to renew 157 as I know I wont be coming back to Australia in next 12 months and don’t want to waist $420 (I am Not eligible for 5 year RRV). My son and husband are AU citizens and I own business and property in Australia. Question :
1. Will there be any problem for me to leave in April as the visa says to and FROM Australia till 17 March ?
2. Will it have any adverse effect on my future RRV application as I left on a expired RRV/ travel facility ?
3. Do you recommend I apply for RRV anyways , even I don’t want to return in 12 months?
Thanks In Advance . Your comments are very helpful .
If your spouse is an australian citizen, you can apply for an RRV anytime and they’ll give it to you.
Thanks William ,
Also If this information helps anyone else . When I left Australia on an expired RRV . I was stoped at departure immigration and the Boarder security officer asked if I was aware that my RRV is expired . He gave me a pamphlet which had information how how to apply for RRV online . And that it !!!! I was on my way to boarding gate .
That’s not the best scenario, sometimes an RRV takes up to 4 months to renew, so although you’d be allowed to leave Australia, you might not be able to get back without your RRV getting renewed first.
Hi William.
Thank you so much for answering all the questions on here. I have one myself. I applied for a renewal of my rrv on Jan 30th and I travel next week. I still haven’t heard back about my renewal and am guessing I won’t hear back. My travel facility expired in June last year. I am in Australia and read somewhere up the top that as long as I applied to renew it and they have not renewed it I can still return as a permanent resident? Sorry if it sounds confusing. Please let me know. Thank you
If your travel facility expired last year and you leave the country before your RRV is granted, then you won’t be able to get back as a permanent resident until your RRV is approved
Hello sir. I have a question. is it 2 years out of the 5 years initially granted on your pr or 2 out of the last 5 years ?…..I have been outside Australia for almost 7 years and recently applied for a resident return visa. I have strong family ties and lived there for 4 years, before i traveled abroad in 2016.
Can you get another 5 years RRV after the 1 year RRV? My dad was in a 5 year PR visa and his 5 years was due with only 20 days short of hitting 2 years out of 5. When he applied for his RRV, he was only granted 1 year. Question is how do we get back to a 5 year RRV after his first year? How long does he have to stay in Australia to be granted 5 year next? He has personal ties in Australia and also a house he’s living in.
Hi there, do you know how to be granted 5 year RRV after being granted 1 year RRV? One of my parents was 20 days short of achieving 2 years out of 5 year, and was therefore granted only 1 year RRV. He has assets here in Australia and both his older children have already become citizens of Australia. He has been living in Australia for almost 18 months now but he didn’t make the cut of 2 years out of 5 years during his 18 months stay. We would certainly like to get him back on a 5 year RRV but what is the criteria after getting 1 year RRV? Thanks in advance! Much appreciated.
Ask your parent to stay another 20 days and then apply again, they’ll get the 5 year RRV
We have a 189 PR visa approaching the end of its travel facility.
We have been out of Australia for 5 years and don’t meet the 2 yr requirement
We have a brother who lives there (close tie) and a residential address (not owned)
If we return to Oz prior to end of travel facility would we be eligible for rrv? We intend to return but need to sort out affairs in uk
You will have to apply for an RRV with a 1 year travel based on your ties to Australia and may have to address compelling and compassionate reasons for your absence.
Hi, need to know, what happened after 5 year get PR under protection and renewed as RRV and want to travel to my home town. Is that any risk?
If you hold an RRV you can travel out of the country whenever you want.
I have lived in Australia since April 1953 but still need a rrv?
I have an RRV that was granted. I am employed in Australia. My son and husband also applied at the same time but haven’t received their RRV. Can I expect it will come soon? Can we travel out of Australia in the meanwhile? We have to travel to see our family.
RRV with less than 2 years stay in Australia can take up to 4 months to process. If your current RRV is still valid you can all leave and come back, however if their RRV has expired, they can still leave, but they’ll have to wait for their RRV to be approved before they can return to Australia.
I have been here in Australia for 11 years and have not travelled out of the country. I was granted PR under Protection Visa in 2014. I wish to travel to Fiji next week. If I apply for a RRV, how long would it roughly take to obtain an approval?
Probably less than a day
I have a valid RRV which will expire in 3 months. I fly in and out of Australia every 14 days for work reasons. If I apply to renew my RRV now (I fulfil the 2 year residency criterion), will my current RRV still be valid pending a decision? I just don’t want it to affect my ability to fly in and out while the renewal is in process. Thanks!
I have a valid RRV which will expire in 3 months. I fly in and out of Australia every 14 days for work reasons. If I apply to renew my RRV now (I fulfil the 2 year residency criterion), will my current RRV still be valid pending a decision? I just don’t want it to affect my ability to fly in and out while the renewal is in process. Thanks!
Once your current RRV expires you won’t have a new one till your new RRV is approved. Having said that, if you have stayed for 2 years out of 5 the new RRV shouldn’t take more than a day.
for that case where applicants were away for 17 years assuming PR visa expired 5 years later, how they could continue travell back for holidays in the12 years period???
You can always apply for a tourist visa or ETA to travel between RRVS if they have expired.
First question: I am currently on 1 year RRV. Do I have to stay in Australia for 2 years counting from my last RRV renewal (in one go) to get 5 year RRV the next time I renew it?
Second question – I got another cousin who received 5 years RRV and so far he has only stay in Australia for 1 year and his RRV will expire next month. He is in Australia now and If he continue to stay in Australia after his RRV finishes, does that period of time (that he stays in Australia after RRV finishes) count toward the 2-years requirement for the next RRV renewal?
My travel facility expired and I applied for an RRV, have not received anything yet, but need to travel in 2 days. Can I leave the country with no travel facility, while return on my RRV when it is issued overseas? Thank you very much!
Yes you can leave whenever you want. You’ll need to wait for your RRV to be issued overseas before you return though.
I am a permanent resident of Australia and my travel facility exipred in October 2021. I had to leave Australia in March 2022 for personal reasons. I am still outside Australia and want to apply for RRV. If we calculate the last 5 years, then I have been in Australia as a permanent resident for 3 years out of the 5, I will have been ouside Australia from March 2022 until now ( which is less than 2 years). Will I be considered for the 5 year RRV?
I hold the visa subclass 202 and I am currently in Australia since 2018 … my visa (must not arrive after) date has expired and I want to apply for the RRV subclass 155 because I want to travel in July and come back in augest … how long would it take for me to get the RRV 155 if I applied today ?
Probably less than a day
I had rrv in 2015 to leave Australia but I’ve been back in the uk since then as I had to take care of a sick relative and then covid hit which had stopped me from returning to Australia within my 5 years rrv I’m wanting to go back as my family live over there ie father and mother and siblings
Hi William, my PR travel facility expires June 2023- I am ready to apply for an RRV though will only be eligible for the one year RRV. My planned arrival in AUS will be Oct 2024 (because of delayed PhD completion due to Covid). Am I better to wait until October this year (ie 12 months prior to my planned AUS arrival) to apply for a RRV – where my PR travel facility will have expired when I apply? Or apply now (prior to PR travel expiry) and then will have to apply again next year to get another 12 months RRV to take me through to Oct 24? Thank you
Always better to apply before your travel authority expires.
Hi, I am currently on a student visa in Australia and applied for subclass 155, but still I have not heard from them. But I know some got granted even submitting after me, and who had the same kind od details.
Hi, My husband is a UK citizen and permanent resident of Australia. Living in Australia since he was 6 years old. We have been overseas for the past couple of months and he applied for RRV section 155 on the 8th April. On the 24th April he received an email saying that further information was required. He did not update the information (didn’t read the email, just presumed it was the visa confirmation) when we got to the airport in Bangkok to fly home on the 1st June we realised his visa had not been approved. We think the additional information required was to do with the fact that he had filled in his birthday as 4th Feb instead of 24th. We have updated that and received confirmation that details have been updated but we don’t know if that was the only information that was required? We don’t know how/who to contact to confirm this? Or how long he may need to stay to await visa finalisation? Can you help? Thanks
Am I eligible for the 5-year extension of Australian RRV?
I’m an AUS PR and trying to complete 2-yr term out of the 5-yrs.
Reg Return resident visa, I have completed “729” days, but to complete that 1-day, looks like I need to stay for another 6-months (until 15-Apr-2024).
Can I still apply for the 5-year extension?
Please advice.
You will need to follow the 2 out of 5 years stay, which is calculated backwards from the day you want to apply. If you’d like to engage a professional you can reach out to us here: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/
Hello. My Wife & I last left Aus as a PR in March 2022 after living for 8 months. Would like to come back to Aus now on an RRV, if eligible. Wife’s brother (and family) are Aus citizens with jobs/home etc. Would that qualify as substantial personal ties? Do we have a good chance of getting an RRV? Pls reply.
Hi, I am an Australian citizen working in Japan with my US wife and our 2 Australian kids. My US wife was previously granted a spouse visa. However, due to work reasons, we remained in Japan and her spouse visa expired in June 2017 without her meeting the residency requirement. We are considering returning to Oz in the next few years for kids’ schooling. In applying for the RRV, we understand an offshore applicant must have been a PR visa holder within the last 10 years before the date of application. Does this mean the latest time my wife can apply for such RRV is June 2027 (10 years from the expiry of her prior spouse visa)? Thanks.
Just apply for an RRV it’s fine. She can apply now.
Hi William,
I’ve read somewhere if your RRV has expired for many years and had been traveling to Australia on ETA, your RRV will be rejected upon application to DIMIA because you are not allowed to have more than 1 visa at one point. Is this correct?
Many Thanks
All visa replace the previous one you held. So if an RRV is approved, it’ll replace the ETA. Has nothing to do with holding 2 at the same time.
What happens if a person gets the 1-year RRV but then doesn’t return to Australia within that one year? Will this be considered as a bad signal and reduce their chances of getting it approved again in the future?
You will have to build on the evidence you submitted for the next renewal. Yes if you continue to stay away then it’ll eventually work against you.
My spouse got Pr grant in 2017 and has stayed in Australia for less than 2 years . I came here on partner visa and have stayed for 1.5 years . My spouse 5 year period ended in 2022 and he applied for rrv and got it for 1 year which expired . What is chance of approval for Rrv for spouse when applied offshore RRv and how long is the grant expected ?
I think your chances are ok. If you would like to discuss working with a professional, please fill in this form here: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/
My RRV expired in 2013. I have planned to travel to Australia on student visa with further intentions to strengthen my ties while studying (employment or personal ties).
Will student visa affect my past RRV. Do you support my idea, or is there is any other more feasible option exists?
You would need to have strong ties to Australia as well as a very compelling reason for your absence, as that is a very long time ago that your RRV expired.
I am an Australian citizens and my kids have a PR visa. PR travel authority for my kids expires in December 2024 and they never travelled to Australia since the PR visa was granted. My kids are planning to visit Australia before December 2024 and planning to stay for a week.
– When do they need to apply for a RRV? (Before entering Australia? or after entering Australia)
– Will they get a RRV for 5 years or 1 year or just 3 months?
You need them to apply at least 3 months before heading over to Australia as it can take that long to approve. If they’ve not been in Australia for 2 years in the last 5, the most they can get is 1 year.
My 189 expired when I was offshore. I applied for RRV and got granted 1 year. I’m in Australia on RRV. Does my 730 days count from my 189 grant date of the RRV grant date?
Appreciate your advice.
The date is counted backwards from the time you apply for the subclass 155. 2 out of 5 years. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
Thank you very much for this very informative article. I think I’ve read it all and the discussion below but I still have a question I was hoping you could answer.
According to the official home affairs page regarding the 155/157 visa they state that there are three types of durations potentially issued based on eligibility etc. 3 months, 12 months and 5 years.
We’re traveling to Oz in 4.5 months. I’m hoping to get at least 12 months duration but in the case they issue the 3 month duration – when does the 3 months (or 12 months or 5 years) travel period begin? From when the visa is issued or from when you enter Australia? I couldn’t find this information anywhere.
Thanks in advance!
The time starts from when your visa is granted. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
I would like to ask does it mean that after my 189 visa expired, I am still a PR in Australia. I just cannot go in or out Australia freely. It is ok for me to stay in Australia to work when my 189 visa expired. If I want to travel out of Australia after my visa expired, I need to apply resident reture visa for my next 5 years travel use. Am I correct?
You will need a subclass 155 to legally return to Australia as a permanent resident. While you are in Australia you don’t need to renew your visa to remain legally.
Hi there,
Are there any requirements on the 1 year RRV in terms of time spend in Australia to be able to be granted another 1 year RRV after that?
As for the 5 year RRV, 2 years out of 5 in the country is given you another 5 years. How does that work on the 1 year RRV
The 1 year RRV approval is determined based on your ties to Australia and your compelling reasons for your absence. Time in Australia helps but is not the only factor. The 1 year RRV must be renewed yearly until you fulfill the 2 out of 5 year stay. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
hi, what happens if a person gets the 1-year RRV? does it means she has to stay in Australia for the whole year? what will happen if she stay say, for half a year only? will the second RRV visa be granted then?
During that 1 year you have unlimited travel authority to Australia. Application and approval for the 2nd RRV is determined by how long you have lived in Australia or your ties to Australia amongst other factors. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
My RRV is valid to 08.10.24, I like to travel this May for 4 weeks. That should be all fine ?!?
What time do you recommend renewing the visa before expiry? By 2 months?
Thanks in advance for your help!
If you’ve lived in Australia for more than 2 years out of the last 5, you can apply within 1 month. Else, it can take up to 4 months to approve. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
My mom visa is expiry at 2 /april/24. And she travel to Thailand on 5 April and which is the visa already expiry. I would like to know. Can she renew rrv while she in Thailand? And does it have timeframe to be renew as soon. Or she can renew in anytime before she want to come back. ?
She can renew in Thailand, however she would need to make sure it’s approved before she returns, otherwise she would have issues getting onto the flight. If you’d like us to look at processing her visa, please contact us here: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
Can I apply for a new RRV (155) while living outside of Australia before my current RRV expires? I want to apply while I still meet the 2-in-5 years rule. If I wait until later, I will not meet the requirement.
Yes you can apply the second you qualify. Your visa grant will start from the date. If you’d like someone to professional process your visa application, please contact us here: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment
Pr run out in 2018 haven’t been back to Australia since other then on current eta as I’m onshore now
Is it still possible to get rrv 1 year ?
My parents and siblings are all Australian citizens
Any help is appreciated
RRV for 1 years is determined by your ties to Australia and your compelling reasons for absence. You’ll need to satisfy both to qualify for a renewal.
Hello I have a new British passport and still have my expired passport which contains my BB 155 Resident Return Visa, this indicates not arrive after 27 Sept 2016, I need to apply for a new visa so that I can travel again to UK in September this year, would you please advise re the quickest process and are there any agencies in Australia that can help?
Your RRV details will be available via an immi account if you set one up
Hello William Is there an agency in Australia that can help with Visa RRV submissions
You can get through to us using our contact page and we can do a consultation to explain how it works.
I am a permanent resident living in Australia (was granted RRV for 1 year); my daughter is living overseas and she also has a RRV valid until December 2024. She wants to complete her high school overseas so she can arrive in Australia next year around July 2025. She has recently turned 18.
My question is that does she have a good chance of being granted RRV next year based on the fact that she would be over 18 years of age? (she is unmarried and totally dependent on me for her education and living)
Also, is she better off applying for an RRV BEFORE the current one expires in December 2024?
Bunch of thanks.
You would have to plan out the timeline of application. It can take 4 months for a decision on an RRV, so to reduce risk always apply before expiry.
My PR travel facility is going to expire in Oct 2024. however, i made a short trip of 7 days in Mar 2020 as part of first entry requirements after initial grant of PR. I couldn’t return due to COVID and subsequent school continuity for my children.
I want to apply for RRV but don’t know when.
Option 1 – apply for RRV before expiration of travel facility in Oct 2024. I have a brother who is PR residing in Australia with family
Option 2 – Apply for RRV after expiration but before Mar 2025 so that i fulfill requirements of at least 1 day in the past 5 years requirement.
My children are in their last year of schooling so i want to settle in Australia eventually but as close to finish their schooling.
Hi william PR saya berakhir januari 2019 dan saya keluar australia april 2017 dan saya masih di indonesia sekarang apakah saya bs ajukan RRV ? Sy tinggal lbih dr 2th untuk 5th terakhir
you’ll probably need to prove your ties to Australia, as the 2 out of 5 years is a rolling number, so the 5 years go backwards from today onwards. If you get approved it’ll be 1 year renewal at a time.
Hi, my 155 visa was Apr 2019 to Apr 2024, I lived the first 3.5 years of the visa period in Australia, then I went back to China and live with parents who are not in good condition. I am still in China and have no plan to return to Australia for the next 3 years. I want to know if I need to renew my 155 visa now as it is expired or I don’t need to renew until I plan to return to Australia? Do you see any issue if I renew later? Thanks in advance.
You can consider renewing it a bit early so that it renews for 5 years, because once you don’t fulfil the 2 out of the last 5 years stay, the max your can get renewed is 1 year at a time.
My RRV is 155.
Grant date: 14 Nov 2018
Must not travel after: 14 Nov 2023
I had been overseas and did not meet the 2 years min requirement, but I arrived in Australia on 13 Nov 2023. Does this consider I am away 5 years or less than 5 years?
As I need to travel out of Australia again, will need to apply RRV. Can I show these as substantial ties?
– bank and superannuation accounts
– former NAB employee (7 years) but currently not employed
– previously owned an owner-occupied property and lived there for a few years before selling it. Prior to that I had been renting ever since I first migrated here in 2009, but I’m unable to provide proof of renting history.
– relatives who are Australian citizen
I was hoping to get 5yr RRV, but after reading your article, it looks like I am only eligible for 1yr RRV. With my current situation, is it easy for me to get RRV approved?
Lastly, I understand that my current 5yr RRV allows me to stay in Australia indefinitely even though the visa is expired, as long as I don’t travel out. If 1yr RRV expired, can i still stay in Australia to meet the min 2 years, then apply for 5yr RRV?
Thank you.
If you stay less than 2 out of 5 years, the maximum you’ll be able to get is a subclass 155 with a 1 year travel authority.
I’m an Australian citizen and my husband was granted permanent residency in Australia in 2012. -Partner (Residence) (BS 801)
This is our situation:
– October 2014, we left Australia to live abroad.
– July 2017, the travel authority on my husband’s PR expired.
– May 2019, we visited Australia for 1 month with my husband entering as a PR on a 1 year RRV (subclass 155).
– Sept 2025 we wish to visit Australia for another 1 month holiday.
At this stage we have no intention to move back to Australia permanently, but would like to keep the option open and keep his PR valid.
Do you think there’s a chance we would be granted another 1 year RRV (subclass 155)? If so, would it be important to apply before 10 years passes from our initial departure from Australia? (we’ve already passed 5 years from our last visit to Australia). Would we need to prove compelling reasons for being out of Australia for more than 5 years, even though I’m an Australian citizen?
Yes they will renew your travel authority for 1 year at a time since you are an Australian citizen.
Once a RRV expires, can you reaply for a new one? My current one, valid for one year, says “The travel facility period of this visa cannot be extended by law.” I am not 100% sure what that means… I live in NZ but I keep travelling back to Australia twice or three times a year.
you have to reapply for a new RRV once the travel authority expires.
Hi William
I am an Australian Permanent Resident and now living in Hong Kong on a dependant visa with my husband who is an Australian citizen. I am qualified for the 2 out of 5 years requirement, but I want to know whether that makes a difference if I apply the Return Resident Visa overseas or in Australia. Do I need to fly back to Australia to apply for RRV?
Thank you.
Best regards,
You can apply for the RRV from anywhere in the world
When I applied to study at tafe, do I need to pay in full with subclass 155?
You’ll have to check with Tafe directly on fees for permanent residents
Hi there,
My wife recently applied (outside of Australia) for a Resident Return Visa. She has not lived in Australia for more than 2 years out of the past 5 years (she last lived in Australia as a permanent resident more than than 5 years ago, although has returned a couple of times during that time on a tourist visa). I expect that she will be issued with a 3 month or 1 year RRV (she can demonstrate very close family connections to Australia since I (her husband) am an Australian citizen and so are our children). Our family needs to return to Australia next month (since I will be commencing new job) so we might need to depart for Australia before my wife’s RRV is approved.
If my wife’s RRV is not approved before we depart for Australia, she can enter Australia on a 3 month tourist visa but I’m wondering if that will pose a problem for her RRV application. Can she receive a RRV while in Australia on a tourist visa? And if so, would she need to leave Australia and re-enter for the RRV to be activated? Thank you for your help.
she should apply for a sc155 to re-enter and it’ll be normally approved quite quick.
I became a PR in 2009 and left Australia in 2014 but I re-entered in June 2023 after I have been granted a BB 155 and didn’t travel overseas since then. However my grant notice was saying that I had unlimited travel only for one year and my 155 was granted on January 2023. So, since the year have passed and I intend to travel overseas next year should I apply again for the same 155? Or there is something else like travel visa?
Thank you,
yes you would need to reapply when your travel authority runs out
My RRV will expire on Jan 23 and submitted a renewal on Dec 23.
I will have to travel by January 10 th. Can my rrv be still processed while am away?
Yes it can
I hold Permanent Residency (PR) and need to apply for a Resident Return Visa (RVV). Since I haven’t met the 2-year residency threshold (16 months) within the last 5 years, I understand I will only qualify for a 1-year travel facility.
My question is: does the 2-year threshold only consider the time spent in Australia while holding PR during those 5 years, or can the time I spend in Australia on an RVV also count towards the 2-year requirement? If so, would this ultimately qualify me for a 5 year travel facility instead of having to apply for an RVV every year?
The time spent in Australia while being a PR or RRV holder counts
If my Resident Return (Subclass 155) expired on 12 Dec 2023 and I would like to go back to Australia for a short holiday in July 2025, what visa should I apply? I did not live in Australia for 2 years out of 5 years before it expired, I do not have intention to stay in Australia in the next few years, should I renew my RRV or should I just apply for ETA? Does having an ETA means that my permanency residency status will be cancelled forever?
If you are looking to move back to Australia in the next few years, we recommend applying for a resident return visa. If you apply for an ETA yes your residency lapses, but you can retrieve it again after that with a new subclass 155. Please ask for a RRV assessment here if you are interested to engage a professional: https://australmigrate.com/resident-return-visa/#assessment