
Thinking of Migrating to Australia From Singapore? Our Singapore Office is Open For Business!


Thinking of Migrating To Australia From Singapore? Our Singapore Office is Open For Business! Thinking of migrating to Australia from Singapore? Australia is a very popular destination for Singaporeans, with an average of 300,000 Singaporeans arriving in Australia in any given year to study, [...]

Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) [Updated 2019]


[Updated for 5th March 2019 changes - see summary of changes below the table] If you are looking to migrate to Australia via the Australia skilled migration pathway, then depending on the visa you are applying for, you would need your occupation to fall under one of two lists. Formerly know [...]

Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) [Updated 2019]


[Updated for 5th March 2019 changes - see summary of changes below the table] If you are looking to migrate to Australia via the Australia skilled migration pathway, then depending on the visa you are applying for, you would need your occupation to fall under one of two lists. Formerly know [...]

Australia’s Visa Subclass 189 – Explained!


Skilled Independent (Permanent) (Class SI) (Subclass 189)  a.k.a Subclass 189 The Subclass 189 Skilled Independent is a permanent residency for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, a state or territory, or a family member. About The Skilled Migration Program The general skilled migration [...]

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