
Parent, Carer and Remaining Relative Visa Closed!


Today is the last day to lodge applications for those that are scheduled to be removed before the new financial year. The legislation to repeal the visas was signed off by the governor general yesterday and will come into effect on Monday, which means that applications must be validly lodged today: [...]

ACT Nominated SC 190 allocations almost reached


As of May 19, 2014, the ACT has reached the DIBP allocations for SC 190 nomination approvals for ACT residents, therefore, visa invitations will not begin to be issued again until 1 July 2014. Nomination approvals for overseas residents ceased on March 25, 2014. The ACT will continue to process [...]

Additional English Tests Accepted by DIBP


It has been announced that applicants for Australian visas will have additional choices when it comes to English language testing. Applicants included would be temporary graduate , skilled, work and holiday, and former resident visas. Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Michaelia Cash, said that the changes, which [...]

Immigration Implications of the 2014 Australian Budget


2014-15 Budget Overview: Australia's Migration Programme The following main points have been gleaned from the Commonwealth Budget announcement. As more detail and the implications of the Budget measures emerge, Austral Migration Consultancy will advise our clients.A preliminary reading of the DIAC Portfolio Budget Statements 2014-15 reveals:DIBP and Customs become Australian Border [...]

Brilliant news for Engineers!


Changes were introduced by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) that took effect from 1 March 2014 and raised the minimum ceiling for each occupational group under the SkillSelect system to 1000 invitations. Since then, we have been advising our Clients that it’s actually brilliant news in that [...]

The job front: It’s all good news


Contrary to what they say, you can’t live on love alone, and that’s why securing a job should be at the top (or in the top three) of your ‘to do’ list if you’re planning to settle in Australia. There’s always someone going on about the lack of jobs or [...]

Australia’s Department of Immigration’s new surcharge


Credit Card Surcharge Rates. Austral Migration Consultancy has received the following information from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection: From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply: • Visa/Mastercard [...]

Debunking the Myths of Migration


Myth 1: You need to be 'young' to migrate. As long as you are below 50 at the point of application , you fulfill the age criteria for migration. In fact, New Zealand has NO age restrictions!! Consult us for further clarification - FALSE Myth 2: It's best to migrate before you have kids. [...]

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