
Why Are Some Australian Lawyers Not Listed On MARA’s Register?


As some of you know, some of our agents can no longer be found on the MARA Register. This is simply as a result of new legislation that came into force on 22nd March 2021. Please be assured that it’s business as usual at Austral. The main points you [...]

Looking For An Australian Registered Migration (MARA) Agent In Singapore?


Looking For An Australian Registered Migration (MARA) Agent In Singapore? Looking for an Australian registered migration agent in Singapore is a key step for people who are looking to start a visa application but who have decided to engage an agent or agency to do it for them [...]

Thinking of Migrating to Australia From Singapore? Our Singapore Office is Open For Business!


Thinking of Migrating To Australia From Singapore? Our Singapore Office is Open For Business! Thinking of migrating to Australia from Singapore? Australia is a very popular destination for Singaporeans, with an average of 300,000 Singaporeans arriving in Australia in any given year to study, [...]

Google Complaint


As you can see above the complaint is false. Ironically, his allegation that I falsified documents were in fact, false. In this industry we meet all kinds of individuals, this is a poignant fact when our clients are emotionally invested in the application and due to the size of our [...]

NSW State Sponsorship – Changes


NSW has made several key changes to their migration program for the year 2014/2015. Key points about the program in 2014/15 are: Applications for 2014-15 will be lodged electronically through a new online system Applications will be open for four intakes per year with a maximum of 1000 applications per intake [...]

Immigration Implications of the 2014 Australian Budget


2014-15 Budget Overview: Australia's Migration Programme The following main points have been gleaned from the Commonwealth Budget announcement. As more detail and the implications of the Budget measures emerge, Austral Migration Consultancy will advise our clients.A preliminary reading of the DIAC Portfolio Budget Statements 2014-15 reveals:DIBP and Customs become Australian Border [...]

Brilliant news for Engineers!


Changes were introduced by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) that took effect from 1 March 2014 and raised the minimum ceiling for each occupational group under the SkillSelect system to 1000 invitations. Since then, we have been advising our Clients that it’s actually brilliant news in that [...]

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