If you are looking at migrating to Australia as an engineer, you’re probably wondering – how much is the comparable salary for engineers compared to where you are from?
What Do Engineers Do In Australia?
Similar to many parts of the world, engineers are in multiple fields, including electrical, civil, mechanical, computer engineering and others.
They work in a variety of industries, mostly in professional fields, construction, oil and gas, telecommunications, small business and to a lesser extent manufacturing.
Tasks can include for example (extracted from different engineering disciplines):
- Studying functional statements, organisational charts and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication
- Developing specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and systems
- Determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and other equipment
- Organising and managing resources used in the supply of electrical components, machines, appliances and equipment
If you are not sure which field of engineering you may fall in based on ANZSCO code, reach out to us or leave a comment below.
But before going through the numbers, something to keep in mind…
Can You Compare Engineer Salaries Directly?
Something I say in my consultations with potential clients is that it’s not as straightforward as comparing just the salaries one to one, it’s not really comparing an apple to another apple.

Although the Australian dollar is strong compared to many currencies around the world, their pay across the country is quite structured.
This means that their lower tiers are relatively similar, their middle tiers and higher tiers too.
The range doesn’t fluctuate as wildly as some other parts of the world – especially in Asia, where a fresh grad may be paid many multiples less than a senior engineering manager!
So keep this in mind when looking at the numbers:
- Even fresh graduates are paid fair and enough to give them a comfortable quality of life
- Your healthcare is covered through Medicare, so private insurance is optional or may be provided by your employer
- Ingredients you buy from markets is typically very affordable
- Cars are affordable (new or used)
- Cost of living varies depending on state – regional states usually have lower property prices
The Average Salaries Of Engineers In Australia

These numbers were extracted from a survey conducted by Seek.com.au, Australia’s largest job search portal.
The numbers were provided as ‘most common salary’ and is a per annum (yearly) figure.
New South Wales
Most common salary: between AUD120k – 140k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD130k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD103k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Most common salary: between AUD120k – 140k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD110k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD103k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Western Australia
Most common salary: between AUD120k – 140k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD130k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD130k
- Site engineer: AUD110k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Most common salary: between AUD100k – 120k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD130k
- Design engineer: AUD103k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD85k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Most common salary: between AUD65k – 75k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD103k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD103k
- Project manager: AUD110k
South Australia
Most common salary: between AUD100k – 120k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD130k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD90k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Northern Territory
Most common salary: between AUD100k – 120k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD110k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD103k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Australian Capital Territory
Most common salary: between AUD100k – 120k per annum
- Project engineer: AUD130k
- Design engineer: AUD110k
- Mechanical engineer: AUD110k
- Site engineer: AUD120k
- Project manager: AUD130k
Keep in mind that your level of work experience will also influence the range of salaries you can demand as well.
But to be able to apply for any of these jobs
, you’ll need to secure an Australian visa first!
To see if you qualify, fill in the form below and one of our team will get back to you with an assessment of your visa options.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below too.
Do I Qualify To Migrate To Australia?
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